It's been a while.
Kinda busy with anything that keeps me busy all the time.
Lately I had a good time. Some of them are my best moments.
I feel so blessed. A lot of good things happened to me. I do thankful for that.
It seems that now is how God give me a "present" after what I've been through a few months ago.
Let say..I had a difficult time. Lonely and hopeless and sad is my top 3 feelings in past few months.
I feel empty inside. All I can do is think, and do nothing.
God still loves me, Allah always do, I believe that. So, during my "bad" time, I still have my parents, my cats, my roommate, and my friends. Maybe at that time I didn't realize how important they are in my life. They still love me just the way I am. They love me in their own ways.
But as a normal human being, that have a lot of doubts, I do think..what will happen next? Will it be any another downside? Or another upside? I don't know. And actually I don't want to know. I don't want to assume it too. It's just feel wrong.
As a woman, with a very sensitive heart, mood swing, and good with denial any "signal", now I feel a little bit shaken up. Lack of experience in love life makes me can't learn a lot in that area. And sadly, it's not something that you can learn via books or seminar or any theories. It's something that you have to do it, feel it, face it, be a part of it, and in the end, you'll get the lesson. It can be a "sweet" lesson or maybe a "ripe" one. Nobody know.
It's I can be so mellow...with something that actually not a big thing.
Dasar cewek, sifat dasarnya emang baper. Makanya saya selalu mengutamakan "denial" untuk menghindari baper yang berkelanjutan. Because once you baper, it will haunt you next time, again and again.
But a moment after feeling so blue, I try to get a grip. Thanks God, System of A Down help me out with their songs.
So, what now?
I don't know...
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Friday, 20 March 2015
Thesis Defense Exam - THANK YOU
19 Maret 2015
I've passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saya luluuuuussssss!!!!!
Alhamdulillah puji syukur kepada Tuhan YME.
Terima kasih kepada SEMUA yang sudah mendoakan dan mensupport...It means A LOT for me!
Setelah mood-swing yang bikin badan capek deg-deg an setiap hari selama 3 hari sebelum sidang, setelah sekian tetes air mata yang uncontrollable, emosi yang labil, tidur yang tidak nyenyak, pola makan yang tidak beraraturan, sakit perut yang menyiksa, hormon yang nyebelin, bikin jengkel beberapa orang, merelakan diri untuk tidak ke puncak demi belajar buat sidang....and finally it's over. It's over.
Layaknya film, banyaaaaakkkkk sekali orang dibalik layar yang membantu jalannya film. Begitupun juga dengan momen sidang saya kali ini. Tanpa mereka, mungkin saya hanya remahan chiki yang udah abis....
This post I dedicated to show how much I grateful with all of people that support and pray for me and my team.
Thank you for Papa and Mama, your pray and support are infinite and I'm so happy that I can make you happy. Thank you Bapak Ibu, Akas, Wiluk, Pak Tuha, Mas Nanda, Iyay, dan semuaaaaaa keluarga besar yang sudah mengirimkan banyak doa. Thank you very much :)
Thank you juga untuk semua kucing di rumah yang pasrah di isengin kalo saya lagi stress di rumah. Me wuufff you guysss!!!
Thank you to Femme Lienda Hiwusala Sabaru, roommate yang selalu men support dalam hal apapun, selalu mau direpotin, yang sering ditinggal pulang ke rumah, yang sering ninggalin gue kalo lo kerja, yang selalu meyakinkan kalo semua ini akan berakhir, yang selalu nemenin sampe the judgement day dan juga yang selalu percaya kalo makan indomie sering-sering apalagi 2 bungkus itu tidak berbahaya, tapi mengenyangkan.
Now it's my turn to cheer you up until your day! Give your best dude!!! Me always pray for the best of you.
Thank you to Audria Gupitarini, ex-tetangga kamar dulu, teman selantai 10, teman sarapan, teman curcol, teman yang pernah memberikan kesan di kehidupan masing-masing, temen SMP, yang selalu nasehatin ala tante Nana, yang selalu nemenin selama persiapan sidang, tim hore.
Thank you ya udah ikutan deg-degan dan selalu look up for me until tonight. So sorry if I ever made you mad and dissapoint you. Thank you segala tips and trick nya untuk persiapan sidang. Thank you juga "hadiah" pra-sidang nya :p
Thank you Eduard Bangga S.Kom
Thank you Aninda Harapan S.Kom
We made it guys!!!!
Thank you for every hardwork and time that we've spent for this thesis. Thank you for togetherness in 3,5 years. Thank you for believe in me and each other. Thank you for the positive word from edu in our last minute.
Thank you thank you and congratulation for us!
Thank you keluarga cemara!
Thank you for being supportive for each other.
Thank you and congratulation to Andiga Putra S.Kom, Ikhsan Baskara S.Kom, Rangga Fajarullah S.Kom. Temen sekelas, se bimbingan, dan yang ngga pernah ngajakin kalo pergi ke puncak :(
Thank you Allen and Andrian udah dateng dari awal dan nungguin sampe terakhir. Soon to be S.Kom juga ya guys.
Thank you (again) Femme LHS, sebagai ibu dari keluarga cemara, atas perhatian dan informasi terpercaya nya yang sangat membantu di setiap saat.
Thank you geng lantai 10, Cineang Girls, minus Kak Dits & Desty
Thank you Audria Gupitarini, Femme LHS, Fira Darsil, Tri Soraya yang sudah datang dan menjemput saya demi se ember ayam. Kalian is da best.
Thank you selalu mengajak dan mau di ajak makan pagi/siang/malam. Selalu menghibur dengan kekonyolan kalian. Jangan lupa arisan ya gengs akhir bulan ini...
Thank you to geng #AkuLupaMandi yang rajin nanya kapan sidang. Selalu nyolot dalam keadaan apapun, walaupun temennya lagi deg-degan nunggu sidang, tetep di nyolotin, huft. Thank you yang rencana jalan-jalan ya mau di pending demi menunggu saya sidang hehehehehehehe, mari kita make a new plan.
Thank you Rhesa Utomo yang selalu jahat tapi sebenernya agak baik.
Thank you Giana R Dharmawanto yang hobi peluk-peluk ga jelas, ditunggu traktirannya ya.
Thank you Muhammad Adrian S yang selalu bisa bijak disaat dibutuhkan bijak, dan bisa menyenangkan disaat temennya sedih.
Thank you tim power rangers gadungan yang bikin berisik di luar ruangan pas gue di dalem. Kenapa sih kalian datengnya terakhir-terakhir...hihhh.
Thank you Reinhart yang muncul sebagai cameo.
Thank you Yoga yang datang sebagai tim hore juga. Good luck ya bro skripsi nya!
Thank you Khansa Dinar, cewek gaul yang bagaikan ibu peri membawakan cake dan cookies instead of bunga. You are my saviour for my cake-cravingness.
Thank you Anugrah Ardani yang tiba-tiba datang tak diundang kayak jelangkung di BS. Thank you cheese cake kebanggaan lo yang memang enak nya kacau banget. Thank you sudah mengagetkan datang malem-malem. Thank you sudah menyemangati dan tidak menyesatkan untuk ke puncak H-2 sidang saya. Thank you!
Thank you juga kepada semuaaaaaa teman-teman, kerabat, keluarga yang sudah menyemangati via chat, sms, telfon, dan lainnya. You know I love you guys :")
If there is any one think that this is too much...sorry not sorry. I just want to show how they means a lot for me. Thats all.
Once again..thank you!
Saturday, 14 March 2015
My out!
Hello fellas~
Last night I had a surprise news flash from my rommie, Femme. She said that one of our classmates already has their thesis defense exam schedule and it's on next week.
And I freaked out.
Not so long before that, I've been talked about my schedule that still didn't show up. I'm planning to ask SOIS to consider my schedule out before April.
After Femme told me about that, I panicked. I ran into my laptop, it was dead, I plug in it, turns out I didn't turn on the power, so after wait for a while, I opened chrome and open binusmaya. After login..everything went fast-forward and suddenly my schedule was appear in front of my eyes. I don't even remember click something bla bla like usual. Speechless...happy..shock..scared...relieved..
All I can do is starred at my laptop screen...
Believe it or not, up until now, I didn't close my binusmaya tab that showed my schedule.
So for you, who wonder about my schedule..just find out for yourself :)
I don't know if it's okay for me to have all of my friends watch me, but I do need your support guys :)
A little chat, a little gesture, a little pray will help me a looottt.
And of course for all my friends that have the same schedule as me on that day. We have to end this battle soon guys. No matter what happens!
For you that still waiting their schedule, especially my rommie and her team, be patient guys!!! I know you know it'll come out soon
After this, I'll go back to my thesis, read it all again and again, check everything, discuss it all with my team until the day. Maybe I will not post everything until that day. SO hopefully my next post is a very very good news for me and all my friends!
Thank you guys!
For everything!
Good night universe!
Selamat sabtu malam~~
Last night I had a surprise news flash from my rommie, Femme. She said that one of our classmates already has their thesis defense exam schedule and it's on next week.
And I freaked out.
Not so long before that, I've been talked about my schedule that still didn't show up. I'm planning to ask SOIS to consider my schedule out before April.
After Femme told me about that, I panicked. I ran into my laptop, it was dead, I plug in it, turns out I didn't turn on the power, so after wait for a while, I opened chrome and open binusmaya. After login..everything went fast-forward and suddenly my schedule was appear in front of my eyes. I don't even remember click something bla bla like usual. Speechless...happy..shock..scared...relieved..
All I can do is starred at my laptop screen...
Believe it or not, up until now, I didn't close my binusmaya tab that showed my schedule.
So for you, who wonder about my schedule..just find out for yourself :)
I don't know if it's okay for me to have all of my friends watch me, but I do need your support guys :)
A little chat, a little gesture, a little pray will help me a looottt.
And of course for all my friends that have the same schedule as me on that day. We have to end this battle soon guys. No matter what happens!
For you that still waiting their schedule, especially my rommie and her team, be patient guys!!! I know you know it'll come out soon
After this, I'll go back to my thesis, read it all again and again, check everything, discuss it all with my team until the day. Maybe I will not post everything until that day. SO hopefully my next post is a very very good news for me and all my friends!
Thank you guys!
For everything!
Good night universe!
Selamat sabtu malam~~
Friday, 13 March 2015
11 March 2015
Hello Yellow!
So eventually I can't keep my promise to myself to post something everyday. Pfftttt..
But hey It's okay, I still want to post anything, but no need to be every day. At least every week I have more than 3 post that's enough for me :)
Since I didn't write for 2 days, let me wrap it up those 2 days.
Last wednesday, my beloved friend Audria Gupitarini had her thesis defense exam. Thanks God she pass it with good grade and I'm so proud of her!
How about me? Still waiting for the schedule :(
Congratulation Audria Gupitarini S.Kom!!
I know how terified you about this. But you went through this! All of your friend and family always support for you. Please wait for me to graduate together this year!!!
You deserve the best!
I do really scared of this thesis defense exam. Half of me want to end this thing as soon as possible, but the other half still not ready yet. All I can do now hope for the best :)
After Odi's celebration, me and my roommates, Femme have another little celebration for us. Hmm actually is not a celebration. Is a treat for us. Just a treat without any special occasion. And who need a reason to eat this lovely fast food?
Everybody looooves McDonalds. WE looove McDonalds!!!
While we were eating, we watch The Call. I thought it will be so-so. But turns out, this one is better than Conjuring or Annabelle even though this one isn't horror movie. Thank you my rommie, who always scream beside me T__T.
Yesterday I went back home. The main reason I go home because....I want to make bread pudding. Again.
Yeesss I know...almost 3 days in a row. But I really craving for that sweet food. My first batch, I only ate a little and when I got back home, it's already gone. My second dearest friend who big fan of bread pudding ate whole by himself. So I make my third batch and still looks good and taste yummy.
Nothing special yesterday. I just watch movies, check email, check my defense exam schedule, cook lunch, check job vacancies, apply some of them.
Today, my friend Yoga has his thesis defense exam. Hope it went well. My pray always for you yo! Good luck!!!
Hope I can make it to the next post. Yeah another promise. But hopefully this one is not to be break :)
Have a good day!
So eventually I can't keep my promise to myself to post something everyday. Pfftttt..
But hey It's okay, I still want to post anything, but no need to be every day. At least every week I have more than 3 post that's enough for me :)
Since I didn't write for 2 days, let me wrap it up those 2 days.
Last wednesday, my beloved friend Audria Gupitarini had her thesis defense exam. Thanks God she pass it with good grade and I'm so proud of her!
How about me? Still waiting for the schedule :(
Congratulation Audria Gupitarini S.Kom!!
I know how terified you about this. But you went through this! All of your friend and family always support for you. Please wait for me to graduate together this year!!!
You deserve the best!
I do really scared of this thesis defense exam. Half of me want to end this thing as soon as possible, but the other half still not ready yet. All I can do now hope for the best :)
After Odi's celebration, me and my roommates, Femme have another little celebration for us. Hmm actually is not a celebration. Is a treat for us. Just a treat without any special occasion. And who need a reason to eat this lovely fast food?
Everybody looooves McDonalds. WE looove McDonalds!!!
While we were eating, we watch The Call. I thought it will be so-so. But turns out, this one is better than Conjuring or Annabelle even though this one isn't horror movie. Thank you my rommie, who always scream beside me T__T.
Yesterday I went back home. The main reason I go home because....I want to make bread pudding. Again.
Yeesss I know...almost 3 days in a row. But I really craving for that sweet food. My first batch, I only ate a little and when I got back home, it's already gone. My second dearest friend who big fan of bread pudding ate whole by himself. So I make my third batch and still looks good and taste yummy.
Nothing special yesterday. I just watch movies, check email, check my defense exam schedule, cook lunch, check job vacancies, apply some of them.
Today, my friend Yoga has his thesis defense exam. Hope it went well. My pray always for you yo! Good luck!!!
Hope I can make it to the next post. Yeah another promise. But hopefully this one is not to be break :)
Have a good day!
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Glad I can make it to my second post. Even though it's almost the end of day, but I still have to write something.
Today I cook another Bread Pudding for my friend. Half of the process is done by my friend. Turns out, it looks better than the first one that I bake yesterday. But it's still taste delicious.
I think I can't make a good looks on this yummy food, but I knew this one is super yummy. My friend can't resist and eat all of them at once. He eat it all by himself. He is a monster!
Even though he is such a monster, but it's okay because he bribe me with this:
Glad I can make it to my second post. Even though it's almost the end of day, but I still have to write something.
Today I cook another Bread Pudding for my friend. Half of the process is done by my friend. Turns out, it looks better than the first one that I bake yesterday. But it's still taste delicious.
Even though he is such a monster, but it's okay because he bribe me with this:
Thank you for this 4 special sachets of happiness! Gonna drink those soon while at home.
After do nothing from 1 P.M. until 5 P.M, we decided to went out for food. We decided to visit The Republic of Burger. The burger is soo big so I just order the small one. What we order:
- The Republican Monster
- Mushroom Gravy Junior
- Ice Caramel tea
- Hot Lemon Tea
The place is so nice and quiet. The service is so good. The taste? Supeeerrrrrrr. Even though I can't eat it properly, but it still taste good. The patty is the best! I will come back here again next time.
Because of this super-burger that I had around 5 - 7 PM, I felt full until 11 PM. My friends ordered pizza and I really can't eat those pizza. But now...I feel so hungry hungry hungryyyyy. All I can think about tonight are food. Any food that I regret not eat today because of my silly full feel :(
I promise myself that next morning I woke up and soon have a full breakfast!!!
Good night universe!
Monday, 9 March 2015
Pilot post
This is my very first post in not my very first blog. I have another blog , but it's been a loooooong time ago I didn't do aything to that blog. But I do want to try blog again. And I think it will be better if I have a new one. Like Barney Stinson said to Ted in HIMYM, "New is always better!"
So what will I share in this blog? Everything!
Yeah everything!!!
I'm gonna try harder than before to have daily post. Yeah just think of my kind of public-personal diary.
My post is not always in English. Sometimes I will mix it up like gado-gado, sometimes it'll be suppa cool in English, and other post will be full in Bahasa.
IRL, I'm kinda talkative, so, it will be same in here. What you read is what you see.
In this "pilot" post, I will recall what have I done today.
Today is monday. I still waiting for my thesis exam defense schedule. And today I make "bread butter pudding". It's been a while since me or my mom made this food. I don't know why, maybe my mom getting bored with this food.
Bread Butter Pudding
This is my very first post in not my very first blog. I have another blog , but it's been a loooooong time ago I didn't do aything to that blog. But I do want to try blog again. And I think it will be better if I have a new one. Like Barney Stinson said to Ted in HIMYM, "New is always better!"
So what will I share in this blog? Everything!
Yeah everything!!!
I'm gonna try harder than before to have daily post. Yeah just think of my kind of public-personal diary.
My post is not always in English. Sometimes I will mix it up like gado-gado, sometimes it'll be suppa cool in English, and other post will be full in Bahasa.
IRL, I'm kinda talkative, so, it will be same in here. What you read is what you see.
In this "pilot" post, I will recall what have I done today.
Today is monday. I still waiting for my thesis exam defense schedule. And today I make "bread butter pudding". It's been a while since me or my mom made this food. I don't know why, maybe my mom getting bored with this food.
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Bread Butter Pudding |
- 5-6 White bread/wheat bread (it's up to you to put the crust or not)
- 400 ml milk
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp butter
- 5 tbsp sugar
- Cinnamon powder
- Cut the bread into 4 to 6 pieces
- In a saucepan, pour milk, sugar and butter, let it mix for a while. No need to boil. Just stir for a while until all of them mixed.
- Crack your eggs in other bowl, whisk
- Prepare your pyrex or pan. Spread a small amount of butter and flour in the pyrex.
- Put your bread until it cover all the bottom, pour mixture milk-sugar-butter with spoon to the bread until it quite wet (don't pour it all), pour eggs with spoon too in all area and dust the cinnamon powder.
- Repeat step 5 until 3-4 layers or until no more milk-sugar-butter mixture.
- Preheat your oven/microwave to 200 degree celcius
- Bake for 30-40 minutes
My recipe is the very simple one. You can add more topping or any jam you want. You also can add more milk and sugar.
A while ago, I have a small talk with my cousin. We talked about psychological condition of one boy. Surprisingly, every statement that my cousin told about this boy's fact are almost all of them true. It's make me thing about that boy more and more.
That's all for today.
That's all for this "pilot" post.
Tomorrow I HAVE to do this again.
Adios! Good night universe!
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